Blending and



- co-extruded for creams;
- rolled sections for toothpaste;
- in aluminium.
Special containers
- deo stick;
- lip stick;
- air less;
- rigid bottles and unstable containers.
Bottles and vases
- in plastic, glass or metal;
- screw or pressure caps and stoppers;
- with dispenser;
- with screwed or crimped vaporizers;
- with cache pumps;
- with roll-on;
- with protection caps;
- with warranty seals;
- with labels or sleeves.
From 5 ml. to 1000 ml.
Cosmetic formulations
Oral hygiene
- mouthwash
- toothpaste and gel, also with combined supply
- vaporizable solutions for breath
Liquid detergents for personal hygiene
- shower gel, bath foam
- intimate liquid wash
- hand detergents
- shampoos
- child detergents
- washing gels and creams
Skin care
- emulsions for face, hands and body
- hair conditioners
- sun creams, lotions and oils
- aftershave in emulsion, alcoholic and alcohol-free solutions
- toners and make-up removers
- perfumes
- scented water with alcohol or alcohol-free
- solid sticks
- solutions and emulsions for roll-on, vaporizable and squeezable
Two units located in protected areas with controlled atmosphere and temperature. The production of semi-finished products is handled in mixers and turbo-emulsifiers:
- Capacity ranging from 50 l. to 20.000 l.;
- 316L stainless steel;
- with blades and/or anchor and/or turbine, with inverter;
- with atmospheric pressure or depression;
- on load cells;
- with automated heating and cooling systems;
- with recycling and spray-ball system for cleaning and disinfection;
- interlocked by melters and earth plates.
The semi-finished products are stored in appropriate tanks and 316L stainless steel containers having a capacity from 1000 to 32.000l., and they are moved by means of lobe, membrane or peristaltic pumping systems to ensure the integrity of the formulas.
A system for the production of water with reverse osmosis demineralizer and a filtering station up to 0,2μm generates decontaminated purified water that is distributed to the users through a circuit that meets the GMP criteria.
According to Atex directives, the departments use flammable substances that are covered by the Customs and Excise technical office authorizations.
Washes and sanitizations are validated and constantly monitored.
The average guaranteed production is 100.000 kg/day.
Packaging departments
The two areas, protected and separated from the rest of the plant, have controlled atmosphere and temperature.
Through the air treatment and a slight pressure gradient, dust, pollen and other impurities are removed from the product dosing area and packaging seals.
Inside, there are 12 modern and automatic packaging lines having the following features:
- 316L stainless steel;
- volumetric or gravimetric;
- health conception;
- for stable and unstable bottles, vases, pipes, special containers for solid sticks/roll-ons;
- for screw or pressure caps, dispenser, trigger, vaporizers;
- for adhesive labels on both sides or enveloping;
- for third label/seal application;
- for decoration or sealing by sleeve;
- with inkjet or dry etching coders.
The containers can also be sealed by welding with aluminium foil and / or plastic material.
The bottom line includes:
- automatic, single or double cartoning, with the possible inclusion of leaflet;
- C&C packing with heat-shrinking film;
- automatic packing.
Aboard each line, automatic weighing and coding systems ensure compliance with statutory regulations regarding weights and content.
The average guaranteed production is 350.000 pcs. for each work shift.
The new dedicated building is devoted to the activities carried out by the “Quality”, Research & Development and Technical management groups. Sections are structured as follows:
- Chemical/Physical quality control
- Microbiology
- Lab and packaging quality control
- Research and Development
In order to ensure that products supplied to the customer comply with the stipulated requirements, Euro Cosmetic defines test plans, analyses and inspections to monitor:
- raw materials
- laboratories
- semi-finished products
- production processes
- finished products
Sampling and analysis are carried out according to Standard Operating Procedures, Standard Analytical methods and Quality Plans defined based on the internal risk analysis and through discussion and sharing with customers.
Each batch of finished product is accompanied by the analysis certificate that includes chemical, physical and microbiological data, compliance status, statistical weight control paper and other documents on request by the customer.
An integral part of Quality Assurance, with a strong value for prevention of quality problems, is composed of:
- validations of new products from a chemical and microbiological perspective;
- validations of washing and disinfection operations;
- the microbiological monitoring of systems, production areas and purified water system.
The tools subjected to a severe calibration system are:
- UV-Visible Spectrophotometer
- Viscometer
- Densimeter
- pH-metre
- APHA colorimeter
- Refractometer
- technical and analytical scales
- Ionometer
- laminar flow hood
- Autoclave
- Air and water incubators
The Research and Development laboratory proposes and builds new ideas through a rigorous process based on procedures. The realization of laboratory prototypes is carried out in a pilot plant with a capacity of 5 Kg.
The updated knowledge of new technologies and the latest generation active ingredients allows us to offer our customers leading solutions, anticipating the needs of an increasingly sophisticated and demanding market.
Product properties undergo verification and support testing in collaboration with the most credited centres.
The R&D collects and provides all technical documents to write the PIF, an activity that Euro Cosmetic carries out upon request of its customers, to offer a thorough and integrated service.
The recently built area of over 6.000 square metres for a total of 9.000 pallet places, stores:
- chemical raw materials;
- packaging components;
- labels and sleeves;
- finished products.
The radio frequency mapping system of the warehouse ensures the compliance with FEFO and criteria as well as compliance of materials.
The dock area guarantees the proper organization of the operations of loading and unloading of components and finished products.